Getting test results

Getting your test results

Available between 10am-11am & 3pm-5pm

The Doctors look at all the test results that are returned to the practice.  If there needs to be a follow-up about a particular test we will contact you by post or by phone.  It is important when having any test done to make sure we have your up-to-date contact details. 

Ayrshire Urgent Care Services (AUCS) regularly receive and action a variety of blood results during the out of hours period for those patients being tested by General Practice during the day. A patient may receive contact during the out of hours period from AUCS should blood tests present particular anomalies.

Please be aware that phone calls from the GP Surgery and AUCS may come from a withheld number.

You can also contact our reception about test results between 10am-11am & 3pm-5pm and the staff can advise you about the appropriate action needed, if any.

As we see an increase in the number of people being seen by both Hospital clinics and GP practices, we also recognise the increase in the number of tests being performed and the number of people awaiting results. The following information may be useful to you. 

  • The results of tests requested by your GP practice, will be returned to the practice for interpretation by your clinician and will be available by contacting the practice.
  • For tests carried out whilst an inpatient in the hospital, arranged following an out-patient appointment or bloods taken by the community phlebotomy service, results will be returned to the lead clinician or consultant for their specialist interpretation. The results of these tests will be communicated to you in a way agreed between you and the hospital team looking after you, but may be by letter, phone call, via their secretary or at a return appointment.