Before filling out a registration form, check you are in our catchment area above.
Patients registering with the surgery will be asked to complete the 3 forms attached below plus the Text Message Reminder Form (if required) at the bottom of this page. In addition at least one form of identification should be provided (Birth Cert/Student ID Card/Driving Licence/Passport or HC2 Cert/Home Office app reg card).
Patient Consent to Access Health Record
The Registration forms are important as they enable us to record full details of your medical history, understand any medical problems and establish your current medication. When these are returned to us you can regard yourself as registered with us.
Parents of patients under 16 years of age will also need to submit details of all immunisation dates.
It is important that new patients ensure they have a good supply of repeat medications from their previous GP as we only issue prescriptions to new patients urgently if they are for a serious medical problem such as asthma, epilepsy or heart disease.
All patients are registered with the practice rather than a particular doctor.
Please e-mail the completed forms to or hand into the post box at the main entrance door.